Monday, October 03, 2005

New Chapter...

Alhamdulillah, the campus final election has gone smoothly without much fuss. Although I'm not contesting this time around, but the heat can be felt almost everywhere. However, the biggest shock came a bit later.

I was expecting to stay on my previous post, but my new comrades think otherwise. Through a secret ballot done by the new members of the council last Friday (30th September 2005), I was voted as the Vice President of the students' council for the 2005/06 session. It was really surprising as I wasn't expecting to get that post. Well, I guess some people had put their trust in me and knowing that this time around that the responsibility is greater and heavier. I hope that I have that strength to bring it forward... InsyaAllah.

To those who had chosen me, I would like to thank earnestly for the trust that you have put on me. Being as human as I can be, I could be at err at times so please assist me along the way and together, we would make a great team together.

God Bless....

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