Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Late Developer ...

Few weeks back, I received a short text message from one of my closest friend in school. She sounded so sad & down... seems like she's having some kind of problem. After reading her message, only then I knew what was going on her mind at that time. To quote parts of her message: "Mak (my affectionate nickname in SAINA), can I ask you something? Is it wrong for us to be a late developer?I'm having the pressure all around me...."

I wish I could be with her at that time and convinced her that she doesn't have to feel too pressured over the matter. Since both of us share almost the same situation, we understood each other pretty well. I mean, why do people have to be so mean when it comes to issues like this. Not everybody is fortunate enough to achieve what they want easily. There's bound to be obstacles and complications along the way... but being late is often equalled as being a failure.

Being in her shoes myself, I always wish that people (especially those who are the closest to us: family, friends, close acquaintances, etc.) would understand and accept the situations that happened to us. Don't just go shooting us & putting the whole blame on our shoulders... and keep reminding us of what we have failed to do over and over again... It won't help at all, and believe me... if you want that person to end up losing his/her mind... go ahead and be my guest. However, I'm very thankful that there are some people who truly understood the situation and keep on giving the much-needed support. I'm fully indebted to these individuals and may Allah bless them always...

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