Monday, December 28, 2009


My head feels like cracking today...
Nauseous... and my stomach is churning like there's no tomorrow.
I don't like it when my body's acting up....

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A later phase...

Right now, I'm with his family, taking advantage of the Christmas break to get to know more of him in a different perspective. The more time I spend with him, the more I realized how strong he is... and how fragile his insides if ever he was hurt.

The family welcomed me, a stranger, into their home with open arms & big hearts (not to mention the embraces & the kisses from the female relatives...heheh!). But of course, I've been discreetly scrutinized by them in most details... kinda daunting...kih3x!

Anyway, let us see how the next day is going to be...

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


Lama gile aku tak masuk blog.
Skang dh dok JB, keje dlm industri hospitaliti.
Pengalaman baru, tapi menarik.
BF? Belum ada yang pasti, tapi dh ada prospek... hehehe!
Ada banyak nk cerita, tapi bagi bunga2 dulu aja... =)